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Tom Pryor : ICMS – Success is NOT Logical
Author: Tom Pryor
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17 August 2013 - 22:42, by , in Healthcare, No comments
Has this ever happened to you? You go to dinner with three other people, all of whom eat more than you. At the end of the meal the waiter hands the check to one of your dinner companions who proceeds to say, “Let’s make this easy and split the check four ways.” You end up...
17 August 2013 - 22:40, by , in Healthcare, No comments
More and more managers of service-based companies are heeding this sage Texas advice. Traditional accounting reports geared for external regulatory reporting are not meeting the internal decision making needs of most business owners today. Distributors, retailers, hospitals, insurers, banks, home care providers and hundreds of other service-based organizations are using Activity Based Cost Management (ABM)...
17 August 2013 - 22:39, by , in People Issues, No comments
For many people, November 28, 2002 will be a time of misgiving instead of thanksgiving. “Misgiving is a disturbed feeling of fear, doubt, or apprehension.” (1) Fear of terrorism, possibility of war in Iraq, doubts about the economy, and apprehension about your business make it more difficult than usual to festively celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Like us, the...
17 August 2013 - 22:39, by , in People Issues, No comments
If Ft. Worth Star-Telegram staff writer Mark Lowry had his way, Merry Mas would be our seasonal greeting. “If you want to see the Rockettes, then go, but remember to leave after the Christmas Dreams number, before The Living Nativity begins. The show’s creators are wrong to assume that Jews, Muslims and other non-Christians don’t...
17 August 2013 - 22:38, by , in Uncategorized, No comments
My exercise program this year has been limited to “pushing the envelope”, “skipping out on housework” and “leaping to conclusions”. Then mid-year, my father had triple bypass open-heart surgery. His operation served as a stark reminder that I only get one body, so I had better take care of it. To begin my process of...
17 August 2013 - 22:37, by , in People Issues, No comments
Outsiders offer at least one indispensable asset: their ignorance. Outsiders have not yet learned what works in your business and what doesn’t. They haven’t learned why your business uses one set of processes instead of another. And they don’t know why you view a particular activity as value-added, when someone with less information might think...
17 August 2013 - 22:37, by , in People Issues, No comments
When I read a non-fiction book, I keep a pen in hand. I underline meaningful concepts, useful recommendations and relevant examples presented by the author. After I’ve read a book, I flip through the pages. If it has lots of underlines, I keep it. If there are few or none, I sell it. Here are...
17 August 2013 - 22:36, by , in People Issues, No comments
The ICMS staff and I frequently remind our customers that Activity Based Cost Management is both a noun and verb. An ABC software system is an example of a thing one can pursue or own. But only when a person or organization applies the principles, repeatedly using their ABC software data to improve decision-making, will...
17 August 2013 - 22:34, by , in People Issues, No comments
Sixty-three year old Coach Lou Holtz was coaxed out of retirement in 1998 to turn around a struggling University of South Carolina football program. When asked January 1, 2001, his secret for turning the winless 1999 team into the 2001 Outback Bowl winner, Coach Holtz simply replied, “We went back to the basics.” Is 2003 the...
17 August 2013 - 22:33, by , in People Issues, No comments
“Executives in profitable companies couldn’t tell us how they made money, and executives in unprofitable companies could.” (1) This quote comes from a newly published study by the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change. Researchers found that most executives of profitable non-dot.com companies knew their strategic plan but had no understanding of their business model. Conversely, most...

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Tom Pryor
(817) 475-2945

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