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Activity-Based Cost Management : ICMS – Success is NOT Logical
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9 August 2013 - 23:27, by , in Activity-Based Cost Management, No comments
Great Input results in Great Output. While GIGO sounds like a Greek verb or an Italian food, it’s typically used as an abbreviation for Garbage In, Garbage Out. This familiar computer axiom means that if invalid, inaccurate or inappropriate data is entered into a system, the resulting output will be just like the input …....
9 August 2013 - 23:23, by , in Activity-Based Cost Management, No comments
More is better. At least that’s the message the media has convinced us of during this century. Since the advent of the industrial age, we have been bombarded with the word “more”. It worked for everything … When our roads became crowed, we built “more” roads. When our cities became rampant with crime, we hired...
9 August 2013 - 23:23, by , in Activity-Based Cost Management, No comments
According to a 1998 Yankelovich survey, one in three adults said they would accept a smaller paycheck in exchange for a simpler lifestyle. It seems that more and more people are asking themselves, both personally and professionally, “Is more better?” A few years ago I witnessed a college class learn the cost of complexity versus...
8 August 2013 - 23:43, by , in Activity-Based Cost Management, No comments
“Almost 80% of couples who were ‘very unhappy’ in their marriages and agreed not to divorce described themselves as ‘happy’ five years later, a new study finds. Of those who divorced, only half were ‘happy’ five years later.” (1) The preceding research published in The Wall Street Journal is a timely reminder that marriages which work...
“Not long ago, accounting was boring”, said the front page of the February 6, 2002 Wall Street Journal. “With the profession facing a credibility crisis, a wide array of critics – from members of Congress to small investors to officials of the big accounting firms themselves – have begun calling for a major overhaul of the...
My twin grandsons celebrated their first birthday on July 1, 2001. And while the majority of people reading this article don’t know Alex and Austen, there is another set of twins celebrating their fifteenth birthday this year whose names are familiar. Born in 1986, their names are Six Sigma and Activity Based Management (ABM). I’m proud to say...
7 August 2013 - 23:52, by , in Activity-Based Cost Management, No comments
“What do you make of the recent so-called recession?” asked the Fortune magazine reporter. “What we have been going through these past three years is most definitely not a recession. It’s a transition — a transition with a lot of incongruities,” (1) responded ninety-four year old guru Peter Drucker in a January 2004 interview. Most...

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